New collaboration: Towards a Culturally Responsive Evaluation of Gross National Happiness in Bhutan.  

Our member and collaborator Dr. Phuntsho Choden has recently published an article putting into dialogue the perspective of Culturally Responsive Evaluation and the Gross National Happiness principles, applying them to a recent Evaluation report of a Bhutanese government program to increase youth employment.  

What about better contextualizing each question of the nine GNH domains? What about doing it with local people, program beneficiaries and families, involved?  And what about developing data collection techniques departing from local uses and customs,  more adapted to the benneficiaries and their communities?

Based on its previous researches about Wholesome Evaluation and the principle of «local wisdom matters», this article affirms that Culturally Responsive Evaluation´s perspective is a potential way to ensure that evaluations in Bhutan are aligned with Gross National Happiness.

We invite you to read and enjoy this article: