About us

Behind this project there is a plural, multicultural and over all, generous group of people that allowed to publish their researches, works and findings on this website. 

Celeste is the former general coordinator of ReLAC (Latin America and the Caribbean Network of Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization) – 2021-2024. She is a Political Scientist, and holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration, with a dissertation about Professionalization in Evaluation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
With more than 15 years as a lecturer and a researcher in political science and public administration –planning and evaluation- in different universities in Argentina and Latin America, and as a public policy trainer in Córdoba Subnational Government, she also coordinates different academic programs since 2015.
Since 2015 she works as international consultant about National Evaluation Capacities Development (NECD) for WFP- UN; DEval/ GIZ-; UNICEF; UNESCO; IDB; FLACSO.
Active member in EvaluAR (Argentinian Evaluation Network) since 2013 and Board member 2019-2021.
Member of the Board of Trustees in IOCE, as ReLAC representative 2021-2024, and chair of the Professionalization Task Force in IOCE during 2023-2024.

Luis is an Industrial Technician with more than 17 years of experience in the public sector, developing prototypes for national industries and collaborating to better policies and the development of new approaches in industrial technology.
He started to get involved in evaluation since 2022 and currently is part of the board or EvalYouth Argentina.
As an Emerging Evaluator, Luis is interested in leveraging tools like AI and Machine Learning to improve Evaluation processes, as well as thinking crittically to chanllenge traditional knowledge in the field.

Dr. Rajib Nandi - Advisor
Dr. Anis Ben Brik - Advisor
Dr. Phuntsho Choden - Collaborator
Dr. Kathryn Dinh - Collaborator
Dr- Monique Liston - Collaborator
Dr. Fiona Cram - Collaborator